Tawny Funnel

Lepista flaccida

14th November 2015, Andrew’s Wood near Shoreham
Growing in oak-leaf/needle litter right beside larch tree. Group of five. Cap 4.5-7.5cm. Slight mushroomy smell. Some of the pictures are a bit misleading by showing it paler than it really was. ID is almost sure. Sporeprint whitish, but not enough to be sure. Spores 3.5-5µ x 3-4µ.

8th November 2013, Andrew’s Wood near Shoreham
Growing on leaf litter under beech. Cap 8-10cm. Slight smell. ID is almost sure.

27th October 2013, Farran Forest Park, Ireland
Growing on leaf litter. Cap 8-10cm. Sweet smell. Slight doubt about this id as I don’t think the centre of the cap is normally a dark colour. ID is very likely.
